So this time next Sunday I'll be on a plane to NYC. Scary...
But a lot of friends are off on amazing camps this week so even though I'm not away long I've already said goodbye to you. You'll all come back hyperactive but exhausted next Saturday and you better leave me some comments about what happened in Wales so I don't feel left out!! But I'll see the CCiD bunch at the leaving shindig when I pick my Jimbob up. Leaving him behind in the UK feels pretty in stupid. We're just praying I don't miss out on anything because I'm wasting time feeling homesick or lonely, there isn't much point when, God willing, I've got years left here and only six weeks exploring!
I also finished working at H&M last week which means I'm unemployed! No more money coming in... I don't think it's quite real yet because it hasn't been very long. But no job! I feel so irresponsible. The H&M crew were lovely and they put up with me for nearly four years but I don't think I'll go back, it's time to look for a job I want to stick with for at least twenty years, being a grown up and that. May end up in a supermarket for a while until I find it but hey, it's an income.
And our little Gemma flew away to South Africa for six months last week... I really admire her. She'll have the most life changing time but I know we're all secretly hoping she comes back to us, at least for a little while. Here's her blog if you want to stay in touch with her and up-to-date with the happenings; It blows my mind to think back a few years to when the younger bunch all started to come through and get to know us and now mostly all of them are saved and going out into the world as followers of Christ. It also makes me feel incredibly comforted knowing all my extended family will be praying for me while I'm away, and if I forget to say it after, thanks for that.
Anyway, please stay in touch through here as I don't think I'll check my e-mail much while I'm gone. To become a follower click around the top right and to receive e-mails when I update type in your address at the bottom of the page.
Hope to see a few more faces this week but to those of you going away tomorrow, I love you guys! Have the best time in Wales and have a swim in the stream for me! (That means you Hannah!)
Your Jobo xxxx
Jeremiah 29:11
New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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