Thursday, 14 April 2011

First Time

So I've never kept a blog before. Journals yes, but blogs no. And never for public viewing. But here we are.

Around 2nd August this year I should be flying out to Newark airport New Jersey to start a 42 day trek around 26 states of America with a group of complete strangers who I will meet the morning we depart. To keep my family and friends in the loop, here's my blog. Whenever and wherever I can access it I will try and let you know where I am and what I'm up to.

So far, I'm terrified but excited beyond words. Thus I'm mostly blocking out any thought of it except for the necessary preparations. I am yet to book my flights for liability reasons but should be in May. My travel insurance is bought, as are all my toiletries which I fear will be too heavy to take with me along with all of my clothes! But it's all in a very sturdy backpack.

After my US travels I'll be home through October before flying out to New Zealand at the end of the month to do a similar tour with my mum for 3 weeks. Both tours have been booked through (Trek America & Trek AUS/NZ)

But from now until then to get used to this I'm going to try and stay updated with how my preps going as I count down, as well as create posts for places I've already been. Some that I had in mind were Greece, Italy and Dublin, some of my favorite travelling memories!

I hope it makes for entertaining reading...



  1. No idea what I am doing but lets see if this works

  2. it works :) if you go top right, below the dandilions you can become a follower! lovely big sister!

  3. Hope it goes well josie :)

  4. will it let me post without having a blog?
